Eyeko Polish: Lilac e Petite (R$13 cada)
London Lips: Mayfair, Primrose Hill, Knightsbridge, Shoreditch e Portobelo (R$18 cada)
Lápis Line & Shine Duo Cor: Rockstar (R$20)
Eyeliner Pencil cor Navy Blue (R$18)
2 Magic Mascara (R$35 cada)
Todos os produtos estão NOVOS [com seus devidos lacres] e foram adquiridos este ano. Descontos para quem comprar a partir de 2 produtos.
Contato: scorpitazy [@] gmail[.]com
Estou em São Luís, MA.
acivir dt 800 mgcan be utilized basically for the treatment of non-serious skin and mucous membranes herpes simplex infection diseases. Your youngster's PCP will suggest IV aciclovir for the treatment of neonatal HSV and serious HSV contamination if your kid's safe framework isn't working properly. May require as long as three days for side effect reduction. notwithstanding, acyclovir ought to be taken until the course endorsed is finished.